Trip to IPM Review


Marine and fresh water fishes are popular food consumed in Asia, because of its abundance and wide acceptance by most consumers. However, only about 2% of fish species are generally used for human consumption. Some of the limiting factors contributing to this low intake are varied cultures, food habits, poor appearance, unusual sizes and unappealing taste that are associated with lower preference of fish species. Technology for using less preferable fish is of interest and important to many countries which have large fish resources. One of the technologies that have developed in the last 15 years is the use of these fish in making of surimi, a highly functional protein raw material. Surimi can be used as raw material for a variety of popular food products such as fish ball, fish cakes, lekor crackers, fish fingers, fish sausage and fish burger. The surimi can also be used in fabricated imitation seafood product such as crab- sticks, legs, prawn tail or lobster tail.

As for that, to learn and understand more about the processes of these food products that are mainly by surimi and otoshimi in making Keropok Lekor, therefore we went to Institut Perikanan Malaysia (IPM) Chendering, Terengganu to study how the food processing were carryout using the equipment and technology that they have. Besides that, we learned on the principal of HACCP, care, safety and precaution while handling all the equipments (machine) and the procedure. This is a relevant practical activity for the subject code of MAR610 (Processing Technology of Marine Product). The fish that are being use are from demersal fishes. The IPM officers which are the supervisor for the activities that were carryout were proudly give the students a chance to made the food product by themselves and to bring back home the food product as a souvenir.

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By fungi freak on Tuesday, December 14, 2010 | A comment?